When it comes to maintaining good oral health, every little bit counts. This includes making sure you brush your teeth twice a day, floss everyday, and see your dentist in Cary at least every six months. But there are other small changes you can make in your daily life to protect teeth even more such… Read More
From Father’s Day (on June 20th!) to Men’s Health Month, June is a time to recognize all the men in our lives. This month is dedicated to raising awareness of just how important it is for men of all ages to focus on their health and seeks to encourage them to see their medical doctor… Read More
It’s not uncommon for your dentist in Cary to have patients say; “I brush my teeth twice a day every day, so how can flossing actually make that big of a difference?” The truth is, flossing is a crucial part of any home oral hygiene routine and can help keep your teeth and gums healthy…. Read More
If we’ve learned anything throughout this pandemic, it’s that being happy and healthy should be at the top of our lists. While we’re sure you’ve spent tons of time Googling various health concerns and symptoms over the past year, we want to shift your focus to something you may not have thought much about recently… Read More
When it comes to our health, nobody wants to hear the big ‘C’ word — Cancer. While this disease can affect anywhere in the body, one of the harder types of cancer to diagnose early is oral cancer. However, early diagnosis is key to treating oral cancer successfully and increasing survival rates. So during this… Read More
You’ll hear it over and over again from your dentist in Cary — limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks. This is because sugar causes cavities, right? Well, sort of. Sugar itself doesn’t cause cavities, but what happens when we digest sugars can increase the risk of developing cavities. So if sugar isn’t to… Read More
We’re all used to showing our teeth off for photographs. But when it comes to your dentist in Cary, we’re more interested in you smiling for a different kind of picture — dental x-rays. Chances are you’ve experienced these diagnostic images at your dental appointments, but what exactly are dental x-rays used for? A Closer… Read More
American Heart Health Month is celebrated every February and strives to raise awareness of the prevalence of heart disease in America, as well as offer tips on how to reduce your risk of heart disease. But why is your dentist in Cary talking about heart health? Great question. The truth is, one of the lesser-known… Read More
Just like you can buy sushi from a gas station, you can also use your teeth as tools. However, neither comes highly recommended. And for good reason. While your dentist in Cary isn’t an expert on local sushi, we are experts on teeth. Our teeth are designed to help us speak and chew, and using… Read More
The end of 2020 was a time for us to put the year behind us and give us hope for a better, healthier new year. As we embark on this new calendar year, many of us have made resolutions to ourselves or our families to get healthy or quit long-time habits that put us at… Read More