Your mouth and your heart may seem to have little in common, but there is actually an intricate relationship between oral health and cardiovascular health. In fact, a number of the symptoms people experience with their oral health can be early warning signs of a heart condition. This is one reason why it’s so important… Read More
If you’re debating on whether to buy string floss or a water flosser, you’re probably wondering if there’s really a difference between the two. After all, there are dozens of types of products out there that claim to help keep your teeth clean, but all of them have pros and cons, so it can be… Read More
Happy Holidays from all of your friends at our Cary dental office! As we all celebrate and gather again with our loved ones, there tends to be an abundance of something other than love, and that’s sugary sweets. We all know what sugar can do to your smile, but it can be not-so-good for your… Read More
Nearly everyone experiences some type of tooth sensitivity at some point in their life. Usually, this sensitivity comes and goes when teeth are exposed to food or drinks that are hot or cold. However, it may be more concerning if you experience tooth sensitivity or pain when you chew, brush, or touch your teeth. Here… Read More
Tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in the body, which means it’s excellent at protecting teeth. However, tooth enamel can be weakened over time which can increase the risk of developing cavities, cracks, and other problems. Luckily, your dentist in Cary has some great tooth-strengthening techniques to help keep your teeth strong and… Read More
It’s October, which often means the beginning of all things autumn. But, it also means the end of the year is quickly approaching and will be here before you know it. If you have dental insurance that resets on the first of the year, your dentist in Cary wants to remind you to use up… Read More
Proper dental hygiene is an absolute must to prevent cavities, gingivitis, and other issues with your teeth and gums. If you don’t pay attention to your teeth and gums on a regular basis, you could find yourself with major problems in the future. If you’re unsure of your current level of dental hygiene or if… Read More
Many people avoid going to their dentist in Cary regularly, and it’s not uncommon for people to only visit when they’re experiencing a problem. But, if you visit your dentist regularly, and choose the right oral care products, you’ll be able to avoid some of the worst issues that can happen with your teeth and… Read More
While we all hope to avoid tooth problems and issues as we age, this isn’t always possible, no matter how much you take care of your teeth. As your body changes, you may need more help from your dentist in Cary in order to maintain your oral health. Here are some things to keep in… Read More
Do you know what the sugar content is in your favorite drinks and foods? Many people drink and eat more sugar than they realize, so it’s important to understand how much of the sweet stuff is in the foods and drinks you consume. Luckily, your dentist in Cary is here to provide a quick rundown… Read More